
發佈日期 : 2014-09-15 最後更新日期 : 2024-02-15


Guidelines on the Support for Student Emergency


  • 國立中山大學(以下簡稱本校)為協助遭遇重大急難事故之學生解決困難並度過難關,特訂定本要點。
  1. These guidelines are formulated to provide assistance to students encountering emergencies and help them navigate through difficult situations and overcome challenges.
  • 急難救助基金由本校每學年度學雜費收入總額中,提撥固定數額之經費暨接受社會各界賢達捐贈經費籌措成立。
  1. The student emergency fund shall be earmarked from a fixed percentage of the annual income from tuition and miscellaneous fees and from donations.
  • 本校學生急難救助審查委員會,由下列人員組織而成,並由學務長擔任會議召集人。
  1. The Student Emergency Review Committee (hereinafter refer to as the “Review Committee”), convened by the vice president for Student Affairs, shall be comprised of the following members:
    • 學務長。
      1. vice president for Student Affairs
    • 校園生活與職涯發展組組長。
      1. director of Student Life and Career Development Division
    • 諮商與健康促進組組長。
      1. director of the Counseling and Health Services Division
    • 各院學務會議代表一人。
      1. one representative from each college student affairs council
  • 急難救助基金業務由本校學生事務處校園生活與職涯發展組負責辦理。
  1. Matters related to the student emergency support are collaboratively managed by the Student Life and Career Development Division and Counseling and Health Services Division of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA).
  • 凡本校同學(含交換學生)有下列急難事項者,得申請急難救助:
  1. Students (including exchange students) encountering the following situations are eligible to apply for the student emergency support.
  • 家庭遭遇重大變故,生活失去憑藉需救助者。
  1. family encountering significant incidents and losing a source of livelihood
  • 罹患重病或嚴重傷害者。
  1. student suffering from serious illness or severe injuries
  • 父母親均失業,家庭經濟困頓者。
  1. both parents being unemployed and facing financial hardship
  • 其他急需救助者。
  1. other emergencies
  • 提出申請時應檢具下列證明文件:
  1. The following documents shall be provided when submitting an application.
  • 學生證影本。
  1. a copy of the student ID card
  •  需急難救助項目之相關證明文件。
  1. documents related to emergencies
  • 申請作業程序:
  1. Application Procedure
  • 申請急難救助學生應填具申請書(如附件,含導師輔導面談單),檢具相關證明文件,經系所主管核章後,向本校學生事務處提出申請。
  1. Application for emergency support shall be submitted with an application form (as attached, including discussion records with the mentor) and relevant supporting documentation to the head of the student’s affiliated department/institute for approval and then to the OSA.
  • 本校學生事務處接受申請案件後,應召開審查會議,但得依急迫性先經學務長批核後依補助標準表直接補助,事後再提交急難救助審查委員會議予以追認。
  1. The OSA shall convene the Review Committee upon receiving an application. In certain urgent cases, the vice president for Student Affairs may approve the application first based on the Student Emergency Support Standards and the cases shall be later submitted to the Review Committee for a retroactive approval.
  • 急難救助審查委員會議於學期末至少召開一次。
  1. The Review Committee shall be convened at least once at the end of each semester. 
  • 審查會議除審查書面資料外,得邀請相關人員列席說明。
  1. In addition to review the submitted materials during the Review Committee, relevant personnel may be invited to attend and provide explanations.
  • 學生申請急難救助金額如補助標準表,每案為新台幣5仟元至5萬元整,情況特殊者得由審查委員會或校長核示酌予提高12萬元補助。
  1. The standards of financial support for student emergencies are specified in the Student Emergency Support Standards; each case may be granted in the range between TWD 5,000 and TWD 50,000. In special cases, an extra amount of TWD10,000 to TWD 20,000 may be granted with the approval from the Review Committee or the President.
  • 家庭年所得合計逾1佰萬或財產合計逾1仟萬不得申請,惟學生本人、父母、監護人或家庭經濟支柱者因病或意外死亡者仍得申請,並由審查委員會決議。
  1. Students from families with an annual household income surpassing TWD 1 million or with total assets exceeding TWD 10 million shall not be eligible for the emergency support. In the event of death of the students themselves, their parents, legal guardians, or family primary income source due to illness or accidents, the Review Committee may approve an exception.
  • 本要點經本校行政會議通過,陳請校長核定後實施,修訂時亦同。
  1. These guidelines are approved at the Executive Meeting and the President before implementation. Amendments to these guidelines shall follow the same procedure.