
發佈日期 : 2022-04-15 最後更新日期 : 2022-05-26

座位查詢網址 https://sis.nsysu.edu.tw/E-TICKET/ACT_login.php
Seat query URL https://sis.nsysu.edu.tw/E-TICKET/ACT_login.php

逸仙館座次表 https://artcenter.nsysu.edu.tw/var/file/8/1008/img/274/228841086.pdf
Seat Number


  1. 請穿著畢業袍,請勿穿拖鞋。
    Please wear a graduation gown and no slippers.
  2. 當天請出示座位的QRcode 讓入口處工作人員掃描。
    On the day, please show the QRcode of your seat to be scanned by the staff at the entrance
  3. 進入前請量體溫與手部消毒。
    Please take your temperature and disinfect your hands before entering.
  4. 請依照座位就座,並請勿將座位給別人。
    Please take your seat and do not give your seat to others.
  5. 屬於以下類型的同學:居家照護、居家隔離、自主防疫、自主健康管理、自主應變(防疫假)、自我健康監測。請勿入場參加,請在家休養。
    Students who belong to the following categories: home care, home isolation, self-prevention, self-health management, self-response (vacation for epidemic prevention), and self-health monitoring. Please do not enter the venue and please rest at home.
  6. 當天如有鼻塞、流鼻水、咳嗽、發燒等一般上呼吸道感染症狀,請勿參加,請在家修養。
    If you have symptoms of general upper respiratory tract infection such as nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, fever, etc. on the day, please do not participate, please recuperate at home.
  7. 如有報名查詢不到座位,請email cyc@mail.nsysu.edu.tw 詢問張助理。
    If you can't find the seat after registration, please email cyc@mail.nsysu.edu.tw to ask Assistant Zhang
  8. 因時間與所有流程已定案恕不接受補報名。
    Due to the time and all the procedures have been finalized, no additional registration will be accepted.




  1. 報名期間:4/29~5/9。(因5/7~5/8網頁故障,故延長至5/11)
  2. 畢業生報名網址:,請依照各院別申請。需報名才能進場並安排座位,如未報名恕無法入場。
  3. 畢業生須已施打兩劑疫苗者才能報名。請務必確認會到場參加再報名。
  4. 報名完畢後會在5/23後公告座位,請依據座位號碼入座。查詢座位網址 https://sis.nsysu.edu.tw/E-TICKET/ACT_login.php
  5. 請上網查詢並下載座位QR圖,作為當天掃描入場用。
  6. 請於5/25~5/28 填完健康關懷問卷:https://forms.gle/3pHV1oYU4VkRLMWq9   健康關懷問卷
  7. 因防疫因素僅限畢業生進入逸仙館,家長好友請勿入場觀禮,請至場外、其他場地或家裡觀看線上直播。
  8. 博士班為一一授證,碩士班、碩專班與學士班都是代表授證。
  9. 請於5/28上午8:40入場,並出示手機或列印出的座位QR圖,最晚9:20前到場。